We step away from the A Block where I’m assuming Kazuchika
Okada will turn Kota Ibushi’s brains into a slurry of a wide eyed anime acid
trip, and turn to the B Block, where a bunch of crazy shit will probably
happen, or maybe Minoru Suzuki will run in and just start wrecking everyone.
Either way, some shit is gonna go down on this side of the street. I can just
sense these things.
Jeff Cobb
Jeff Cobb is the ROH delegate, sent to fill the Michael
Elgin role which took a weird turn at rape twitter discourse loud noises fuck
it let’s just send him to Impact, but enough about the past, the point is that
Jeff Cobb is the designated gaijin hoss, sent to wow the Japanese with his
broad chested ways. Of course, it’s 2019 and everything is incredibly fucked up
around the world, so hosses like Elgin or Cobb are actually like 5’9” now.
This works in the context of New Japan Pro Wrestling because
a small gaijin hoss is still a hoss to those little dudes and lady dudes who
honestly just want to go OHHHHHH whenever the hossing starts. So, yeah, Jeff
Cobb is the designated hoss this year, which will be fun because who doesn’t
like the hosses? Who doesn’t like wide bodied dudes dumping each other on their
necks for shits and giggles?
Anyway, Jeff Cobb is pretty good at the hossing, but said
hossing has always been in the context of him being a big dude throwing around
tiny little luchadors which is what he did as Matanza on Lucha Underground.
Those big power spots are easy when the dude you have to lift is 160 lbs, but
maybe not so easy when you have hoss on hoss violence.
Cobb is freaky strong, and it seems like he’ll be able to
hold up his end of the hoss, but beyond that, the dude is too bland to really
get fired up about. I mean, it’s one thing to be a supernatural cartoon monster
under a mask, it’s another to be Jeff from Guam and get people to care about you.
But Jeff from Guam will be fun to watch in a hoss-off, and
really we can’t ask anything more from him than that, right? I can see him
picking up a couple of wins, but that’s about it. Sorry, Jeff, this is the G1,
not some amateur joke tourney like the Olympics. Here, you will get dumped on
your head and/or get duct-taped to the post by Toru Yano, or maybe both, and no
one can save you. Anyway, this is Jeff from Guam’s chance to get his dick wet,
and hopefully he’ll get spirit slapped by a wild Inoki or something, anything,
to give him a personality other than Hoss Jeff from Guam, which to be honest
isn’t that bad a personality, but it’s not something that’s gonna get your dick
sucked in a geisha house or whatever the fuck they have over there. Look, I’m
not trying to be racist, I’m just ignorant.
Hirooki Goto
Goto is a dude who’s always on the edge of the main scene,
which kinda sucks because he’s pretty fucking sick. I dig his whole Samurai
warrior deal, and he’s very good at murdering people in the ring, but you just
know that at the end of the day, Hirooki Goto is just gonna get a nice
participation trophy and maybe chase around the Never Open Weight Title a bit
before we wind up back in this same place next year and do it all over again.
That is the shitty hamster wheel life of Hirooki Goto. He’s
always gonna be a dude who can go under the bright lights, but he’s never been
given a chance to actually shine under them. I mean, not everyone can be the
big dog, that’s just the way the world works, but poor Goto over here just
can’t catch a break.
I like Hirooki Goto. You probably like Hirooki Goto, but no
one is in love with him, and hey man, that shit sucks, I get it. Most of us
aren’t THE guy in our packs, from kids to frat houses to getting high and
pissing in the gas tank of the biology teacher to adult friend groups to . . .
you get the point. Everyone is the hero of their own life, but pan out and most
of us are just background characters, a familiar face, a comfortable presence,
It’s kinda sad that this is essentially what Goto’s
character is in the realm of New Japan. Yes, he’s the samurai warrior dude and
all that, but really, he is just THAT guy, and fuck man, that’s okay, most of
us are just that guy, but it would be cool to see Goto say fuck it and be the
hero of his own life. I like rooting for a dude like that, so fuck it, WAR
Tomohiro Ishii
Oh shit, the Stone Pitbull! Ishii is sort of like Goto in
that he was never meant to be the leading man, but he has somehow taken that
and turned it into its own starring role, mostly by just being surly as fuck
and chopping the shit out of anyone dumb enough to get in front of him. And of
course, Ishii also has that thing where he can just be tossed around like a bag
of meat that’s gone bad and not let it slow his shit down one bit. That makes
for exciting matches, those two dudes standing naked before God kinda matches
where no one takes a step back.
That can also get tedious after a while, but somehow Ishii
always makes it feel earned, probably because its easy to buy that a walking
potato would indeed have a grudge against just about everyone else in life and
wouldn’t take shit from anyone. That’s Ishii, sort of like what Taz was
supposed to be back in the day only very much realer.
Ishii is one of those dudes who will make the tournament. He
won’t win it, but he’ll bring HIGH DRAMA every goddamn match. He did it last
year and came out of the G1 hotter than anyone even though he was losing half
those damn matches. People love Ishii, man. You just parachute that little
bastard into anywhere in the world and he’ll just start chopping dudes with
that dead eyed scowl and they’ll be all who is this little potato man slapping
me around and then Ishii will let them start chopping him and this is how peace
gets made, I guess.
Ishii will be a factor to the end because he’s earned that
spot, he’s just taken it like a fuckin’ dog over the years, and that’s the
hardest sort of dude to dislodge from that spot once he’s there. He’s gonna get
head dropped into senility. He doesn’t really have a neck to break, and at some
point I think he’s gonna end up with a lazy eye, but that is life in the G1 and
Ishii is a man built to live it.
Jon Moxley
Moxley brings a sort of feral energy to wrestling that’s
hard to find these days, and I dig it because in this postmodern hellscape we
call culture everyone always seems like a dude cosplaying as something that
came before, and it’s rare when a dude is just a singular thing that can get
out there and get people excited. He’s the dude of the moment, and that’s
always fun in wrestling, when you think you might be watching a dude blowing
up, and Moxley in particular has always been a dude that people really want to
see be that dude, which is a hard thing to live up to, especially when you’re
trapped in the black hole gravity of a senile old pervert who can’t get out of
his own way.
But what does that mean for the G1? It’s funny because
Moxley was never the dude when he was in WWE that seemed like the guy to go big
main event strong style night after night, but so much of that is warped by the
whole WWE of it all, and if Moxley can pull off being that dude in addition to
being the feral energy dude, he’s gonna be a fucking megastar and that’s always
fun as hell to watch being born.
He isn’t a big MOVES guy, but that’s okay because there are
a million of those dudes now. He’s gonna look a thousand percent better in New
Japan, I think, because there is just so much more available to him from a
basic wrestling standpoint. WWE now is actually more conducive to MOVES MOVES
MOVES than anywhere else because it’s so fucking restrictive when it comes to
all the subtler things that actually make wrestling good. Take a guy whose
strengths are those subtler things and let him have a blank canvas to work with
and you can have magic.
It’ll be fun to have an old school kind of dude like that in
the tournament, especially because Moxley has that sort of out of control
gaijin energy that the Japanese go so fucking wild for, like Terry Funk in All
Japan in 1980 or some shit. It’s funny because I was talking about hosses
earlier and how they don’t really exist anymore except for the 5’9” shrunken
version, but Moxley is a 6’4” dude and that gets overlooked sometimes when it
comes to him. I’m not even sure what my fucking point is here other than that
Moxley seems to have that rare talent where he can be whatever you need him to
be in a given match. He’s big enough to get into the human meat throwing game
if he wants, and he’s willing to push himself into that sort of Mick Foley lol
fuck it let’s just kill myself for fun zone, or he can be all weird energy,
dragging Shota Umino around like a menacing drunk before trying to saw off
Juice Robinson’s head and then turning around and playing the never say die
underdog that people love to get behind. That’s a rare thing to find in
wrestling these days, and I think that’s what makes Jon Moxley so potentially
valuable to anyone willing to just let him go out there and paint his own
I’m excited for G1 Moxley, if for nothing else than to see
how he plays it. He’s a dude with a lot going for him right now, and that’s fun
as hell to see too, that sort of watching a dude blow up before your eyes thing
that only comes around in wrestling once every decade or so. Is he the Next Big
Thing? I don’t know, but fuck man, I want to at least see him take that
moonshot because not many dudes can. This is a really fun time to be a
wrestling fan, a time when it feels like anything can happen, and Moxley is the
dude who embodies that the most right now, I think.
Tetsuya Naito
Naito is obviously one of the favorites to win this B block,
and even if he doesn’t he’ll be in it to the end. His I Don’t Give A Fuck vibe
combined with his willingness to turn his neck into sawdust pretty much
guarantees a real good time.
Obviously, I dig the whole Tranquillo thing because it
speaks to my whole fuck it outlook on life, and also because it just fits Naito
so perfectly. He always looks half stoned and half contemptuous of the rest of
the world, and Tranquillo is the essence of that aesthetic. It’s also fun to
watch him literally spit in people’s faces even though he is probably the most
popular dude in New Japan. Everyone loves a good antihero, that shit just transcends
There a bunch of fun matchups with Naito in this block. The
Moxley one is interesting because it has that dueling antihero thing going for
it, and the Shingo Takagi matchup is an LIJ bros showdown. And then there’s the
Jay White matchup, which will be fun if only to see them try to out-dick one
another. Really, any Naito match is inherently interesting just because of the
nature of the dude so . . . yeah, fuck it, Tranquillo baby.
Juice Robinson
It’s really easy to dismiss Juice at first glance because he
just seems so damn goofy, but man, I don’t know if there’s a better babyface
dude in wrestling right now because after a while the goofiness becomes
endearing, and it’s fun to see a dude who should by no means ever gotten himself
over in Japan be fawned on as an adopted son.
He kind of has that loose Dusty Rhodesish thing going on
where he just gives off that kind of mellow man of the people vibe and that is
a sort of physical charisma that’s easy to get behind. After a while, you just
want this dude to succeed because he’s willing to take an ass kicking and
scream motherfucker every other word, which I guess makes him the Neil of New
Japan. I don’t say that lightly, but it checks out: curses a lot, may always be
vaguely drunk/high, has questionable friends, etc.
You start watching New Japan and you think who the fuck is
this idiot, but then then you hear those Japanese fans chanting JUICE JUICE
JUICE and it becomes quickly apparent that there is something sympathetically
endearing about this guy. I mean, he’s kind of a loud, obnoxious idiot and yet
he is still beloved by people who aren’t exactly fond of loud, obnoxious idiot
Americans so there must be something there that makes them actively want to
love him. I think it’s because everything he does seems so genuine, so just
part of who he is, that it’s hard to hate on it. He’s just a lovable young
puppy that shits everywhere but you can’t get mad at him because awwww look at
what the lil’ guy is doing now.
It’s a hard thing in wrestling to get people to care about
you at all, harder still to get them to care about you in a positive I Will Pay
Money To See This Guy Win In The End way, and yet that is what Juice brings
without really having to try. He isn’t gonna win this block. He probably won’t
ever be a real factor, but I don’t know if there’s anyone in this block – in
either block, really – I want to see win more than him. And that’s about as
much as you can ask for if you’re a goofy white dude who talks too much and too
Oh man, this dickhead. As easy as it is to root for a dude
like Juice, it’s just as easy to hate on this kind of douchebag. Basically, his
whole deal is that he’s too fucking lazy to really get anywhere and yet he is
the most obnoxious shit talker at the same time. Lazy shit talkers are always
the worst (please don’t tell me to look in a mirror) and lazy shit talkers who
slowly make their way to the ring doing an embarrassing lip synched karaoke deal
are even worse. The best thing about Taichi is Miho Abe hanging around as a
Highly Problematic Ingenue but we won’t get into that without embarrassing
ourselves and shaming our families.
So . . . yeah, it’s easy to dismiss Taichi and yell Taichi
Go Home! at him along with the rest of those Japanese fans, but beneath it all
is a dude who was trained by Toshiaki Kawada aka Your God and Mine, and
sometimes this training comes out and when it does, it’s always a fun time.
Basically, the whole deal with Taichi both in real life and gimmick-wise is that
he’s a petulant little shit until suddenly he’s not and, well, okay he’s still
a petulant little shit, but he’s also a petulant little shit who will kick you
real hard in the face.
I think the G1 is the perfect platform for him because it
will force him to bring the Kawada stuff or die at the hands of murderous Ishii
head-drops and throat chops. Also, *giggles* oooohhhh, Miho Abe *erases
internet history before getting dragged away as a sex pest*
Shingo Takagi
Everyone loves them some Shingo, but I don’t know man, there
is just something I don’t like about the dude. Is it because he is hideously
ugly? Maybe, but am I really that shallow? I think a lot of it stems from him
being shown as a destroyer of men even though that reputation has largely been
built by being a heavyweight who just beats up juniors all day. I’m not sure
how that translates to doing it against dudes bigger than him, but that is what
the G1 is for, I guess. He’s still ugly as fuck though.
But Shingo is gonna get a lot of shine in this tournament
because so many people dig him and who am I to obnoxiously get in the way?
Look, everyone has that one dude who they just irrationally don’t like and
Shingo is that dude for me, alright? But that is all relative. I only dislike
Shingo in the context of New Japan, where I pretty much like everyone more than
I do dudes who aren’t in New Japan if that makes any sense. He is just near the
bottom of a list that by its nature is already top tier, like arguing about the
worst blowjob. In the end, he’s still a dude who’s gonna make me cum and okay,
this has gone in a really weird direction. You get my point though, right?
Please say you get my point.
Jay White
Jay White gets a lot of hate and I get it because it’s easy
to hate on a young white dude who has been handed the keys to a rocket ship
even though there are seemingly a lot of other more qualified rocket ship
pilots waiting around for a chance just to take one out for a spin. Basically,
he’s the young rich asshole whose daddy bought him a Viper.
But I don’t think that’s fair. I mean, for starters, Jay
White is a PERFECT young dickhead, and wrestling needs more of that, dudes who
you actually love to hate instead of dudes who get automatically sorted into
LIKE and HATE boxes based upon their ability to string together fake fighting
Jay White is also good at the Moves too, though, which
combined with his natural dickhead appeal, makes for a perfect modern bad guy.
He can go in the epic strong style match and still get fans to want to see him get
his ass kicked. That automatically makes him more compelling than 99% of dudes
out there.
He’s obviously one the favorites in the block and will be in
it to the end, which is fine because at some point you need a dude who inspires
actual feelings beyond MOVES to make you care when you’re on day 1,000 of the
tournament and all the matches start to blend together into a fever dream of chops
and head drops. I mean it’s hard to get those crowds to boo you consistently
and that adds a flavor that’s often hard to find to Japanese wrestling. I have
no problems with Jay White and neither should you.
Toru Yano
My man Toru Yano is another dude who inspires sharp division
among wrestling fans. Dudes like Meltzer who often have a hard time breaking
out of their mindset of MATCH QUALITY = THE ONLY THING THAT MATTERS don’t
really like him because they can’t understand why he isn’t even trying to have
a good match, but that’s not his deal and you have to judge him based on the
understanding that he’s going for a totally different aesthetic.
I get Toru Yano because, well, come on, I basically am him,
and I get that his whole deal only works if the clown is something he’s
choosing to play even though there is so much more to him if he chooses to show
it to you. That is the essence of a good clown and Toru Yano pulls that off
perfectly. I mean, for all his shenanigans, it’s hard to find a wrestler who
fans won’t immediately get behind when he starts doing freaky rollups and
threatening to win matches he should have no business winning if you approach
it from a strictly MOVES based aesthetic. That takes talent that most wrestlers
don’t have, and you have to judge him based off of that and if you do how can
you not appreciate him?
There’s a reason he’s always in the G1 even though there are
always dudes who seem like they deserve it more and that’s because at the end
of the day, he gets people to care about his matches, no matter how absurd they
are and no matter how little they conform to the whole MOVES aesthetic that is
so paramount in a company like New Japan. Toru Yano is my dude and that’s that.
Of course, there is no chance that he is going to win the
block or even be a factor, but that’s hardly the point. He breaks up the
monotony of the rest of the matches in a way that’s vital if you don’t want
your goddamn brain to eventually start bleeding like the rest of the dudes in
this tournament who are always one Shibata away from going full Misawa and
making parasitic sloths like Bix get all self-righteous and start demanding
brain tissue samples so they can muckrake on Deadspin. Toru Yano saves you from
being swarmed by Bixness and for that he is always the unspoken MVP of the G1.
Also, his rollup game is the sickest of anyone going and in 2019 that is such
an underrated thing. Also, also, he is my avatar in the pro wrestling game and
to hate on him is to hate on me and how dare you, how fucking dare you.
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