Sunday, July 28, 2019

G1 B Block Gibberish Day 5

Hirooki Goto vs Toru Yano

Goto subverting Yano’s own trickery with a rollup of his own was a nice twist, and proves that even if you are having a shitty tournament you can at least have fun with your friends, and who doesn’t like the wholesome embrace of friendship in these strange and terrible times? For Goto, a win is a win at this point and as for Yano, well,  Yano doesn’t need to be troubled by wins and losses, it is just all about having fun with his friends and getting to go back to the locker room knowing that his friend is happy. Is it at his expense? Sure, but when you’ve already conquered yourself and achieved ego death you can let that sort of thing go. Yano will be waiting for Goto in the Bardo with a smile and a DVD.

Juice Robinson vs Tomohiro Ishii

The thing about Ishii is that he forces his opponent to give everything of himself in his matches to hang with him, and the thing about Juice is that he is willing to give himself totally to wrestling, and that means you get a match like this. Ishii will let you hit him but he’ll also then hit you a bunch in the throat and also with his head on your head and Juice is a dude no one wanted so he had to come to Japan and give himself totally to its ways which means that he is absolutely down for whatever.

Juice can hang with the big boys and it is kind of crazy to consider Ishii as one of the big boys, but he has earned that I think. Not everyone is made to be champion, but you can still make a name for yourself and a reputation as someone who can be counted on to bring the requisite drama and energy needed to make matches feel special. Ishii is a 5’4” potato who looks like he had his neck stolen by grave robbers and yet I also can believe he is the toughest man alive. That is the beauty and power of pro wrestling when it’s done by people who know what it is and can be. Juice looks like a dude who got caught sucking off people for merch at a summer festival and yet he is a loved man in Japan, a place where his loud buffoonery is an affront to everything those people hold dear, And yet, fans are enraptured by a fight between him and a 5’4” potato. Could this happen anywhere else? Probably not, but that is why New Japan Pro Wrestling is what it is and why I could win the heart of Miho Abe.

Jeff Cobb vs Taichi

Speaking of Miho Abe, Jeff Cobb is a dullard and a fool and how dare he tell her to “stay” like an animal why she is just minding her own business and thinking about me while these two idiots fight in their underwear?

Taichi losing yet again should not be a surprise given that he was probably one of the last dudes to get into the tournament, but it’s not like he’s embarrassing himself out there or anything. I imagine his life is pretty chill. He’s decently attractive, he has nice women following him around and he doesn’t have to kill himself for the love and acceptance of all the peons out there who demand he break himself for fleeting glory. That is staying ahead of the game by not really playing it except for when you have to, and unfortunately sometimes that means that you get caught out by a fat dude from Guam who wouldn’t know what to do with Miho Abe anyway. Tomorrow he’ll still get up, say some problematic things, maybe even piss while sitting down because a man should find the time to enjoy himself and not worry about pissing on the toilet seat or even the floor if its early and you can’t really get your bearings all the way.

Jeff Cobb, meanwhile, needed a win here or risk being seen as a wasteful failure and so in the yin and yang of life, one dude wins and another loses and they both get what they need out of the experience, and we should be happy for them both.

Shingo Takagi vs Jay White

Okay, I’ll admit that I nodded off in between the end of the last match and the start of this one and had to go back and watch it again, but that is not an indictment on the matches or the quality of this fine G1 but more because I just got caught out in the high stakes game of drug addiction where you push yourself too far sometimes and end up paying the price for poor choices, and if that payment is simply falling asleep on the couch while watching pro wrestling, that is really nothing in the grand scheme of things.

Anyway, what does that have to do with this match? Nothing, other than it was a thing that happened while I was watching this and I believe in letting you know where my head is at, but I went back and watched it and it was a pretty good time. Jay White’s insolence even in the face of humiliation remains an inspiration to narcissistic sociopaths everywhere, and his delusions of grandeur make for compelling theater in these sultry summer nights. And Shingo is a dude who will hit you real hard and look like a sleazy 80s villain and in this there is all the elements you need for a quality pro wrestling match in the year of our lord 2019.

Anyway, we should all be excited for Jay White to hang on here and cheat his way back to a reckoning with Okada, which is probably where this is all headed, and enjoy the journey along the way as dudes try to beat the shit out of him simply because he out-dicked them all.

Tetsuya Naito vs Jon Moxley

Big energy for this one and at the very least you have to admire the boys in the back who run things for their willingness to just roll with a dude who probably isn’t signed long term or anything, but that is all dumb business talk and I’m not sure we should get into all that shit.

What we should be talking about is that Jon Moxley just spiked Tetsuya Naito right on his head to put himself in a commanding position in the block. Moxley continues to bring a unique energy that no one else seems capable of bringing these days and in New Japan especially you can appreciate just how physically “real” this dude is. I mean, he’s a legit 6’4” during a time when it’s hard to find dudes even cracking the 6’ line, and he has a sort of lean raw-boned old school Ted DiBiase like build that lends itself well to the G1 grind. You can absolutely buy that he is a hard dude to handle out there, all of which sets up well for Juice getting his revenge on him on the last day of the G1 which is really where this whole thing is probably headed, right?

But again, that is all just dumb nerd talk that shouldn’t overlook the sublimity of these matches that he is having. I don’t think he is a five star machine or anything, but what he is, is a dude who can hold up his own end of things which combined with his unique energy makes him a whole hell of a lot of fun to watch, especially against a dude like Naito, who’s own energy is all about subverting the manic energy of a dude like Moxley. In a situation like that, one dude is gonna have to get head spiked, and in this case, that was Naito, who takes one for the team while all that Big Mox Energy brings all the pussies to the yard.

But we’re halfway through the G1 and both blocks have clear alphas, and yet I’m not sure that either Moxley or Okada walks away with this thing, which just makes it all the more exciting. All I know is that someone will probably end up paralyzed and someone else will end up crossing ethical lines that get the Bixes of the world all het up and really, what more could you ask from your professional wrestling?

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