Saturday, August 3, 2019

G1 A Block Gibberish Day 7?


Poor KENTA can’t catch a break. The fans hate him for selling his ass out to Vince and Co., and now he can’t even get over on Fale because the Bullet Club is out there fucking him over. At some point, he’s just gonna break and kick everyone in the face and rampage around arenas kicking and slapping people, or he’s gonna break and fall apart because his body betrays him and it’s all so fucking sad. The indignity of being worked over by Chase Owens and the gang is just one more brick in the wall for poor KENTA, and I don’t know how he comes back from this, alone in a sea of hate, shunned by everyone except Shibata who exists on the other side of the world training young lions, and who will stand up for KENTA? WHO?

Fale is as Fale does, which is to say that he walrused his way out there and abused a stoic Asian and made a good payday for his boys, and you can’t fault him for being who he is, or for running with degenerates who will stick to him like barnacles because at some point even a walrus needs friends to help him out against humanity. I don’t like that Fale won, but the big man has to eat and I don’t begrudge him his meal.

Zack Sabre Jr. vs Lance Archer

That slippery fuck ZSJ stole one from Archer here, which is a crime against beauty and a crime against the natural order of things as Archer deserved to win here. Everybody dies, ZSJ, and that includes you, you spindly piece of shit. But life isn’t fair and spindly pieces of shit often come out victorious over spirit warriors like Lance Archer and all we can do is bellow at the inanity of it all and beat on the young lions hanging around the ring.

My hope is that one day Lance Archer can publicly humiliate ZSJ while Minoru Suzuki looks on approvingly. Sure, ZSJ is his protégé, but the boy must learn humility, and what better teacher could there be than Lance Archer? I want to see him squeeze the life out of that little fuck and toss him around like so much corn stalks during harvesting season, and I want to see ZSJ whimper and whine and beg for mercy that does not come, and I want him to be strung up on a crucifix and dragged around town by Archer while ladies laugh at him and children spit on his bird chest. I want all this to happen, and I want it to happen soon.

Will Ospreay vs Evil

Evil is my boy, both the wrestler and the concept, and so I take great pleasure in him beating up on the bleating ass of Will Ospreay, who remains a dolt despite his efforts to better himself. I mean, this is still a dude who once tweeted me a gif of a dude throwing money everywhere because I dared to criticize him. I don’t know if he still vanity searches, but he definitely still needs to be humbled and Evil is the man for the job.

Evil is probably never gonna be The Guy, but that doesn’t really matter when you are a brick shithouse with killers eyes, and I take great pleasure in him getting what he does get out there. I understand Evil on a soul level and I will always be here for him hurting dudes who need to be hurt. Everything is Evil and so am I.

Hiroshi Tanahashi vs Kota Ibushi

Ibushi finally slays one of his gods and then collapses in tears, and hey, who among us, amirite? This was always coming, and good for Tana to be willing to let it happen. Of course the match was excellent. You don’t need me to tell you that. It is all about the Real Emotions here for Yung Kota, who is sick in the head for sure, but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve to find love in the death of his fathers. It is a twisted sort of passion, but I can respect it. He will die for professional wrestling one day, the same way Misawa did, and everyone will look back and say we should have made him stop, but that is all carelord bullshit because he is a grown man willingly giving himself to this fucked up thing.

Tana is still the old warhorse, and he won’t let go nor should he even as he is killed by Kota Ibushi, because this is his professional wrestling, this is his kingdom, this is his world that the Ibushis can give themselves to, and he can make them or break them as he wills it. That is what Tana has earned. That is what makes him the Ace of the Universe and the Ace of our hearts.

One day, Tana won’t be able to go at this level and that day is probably sooner than any of us want, but it’s heartening to know that his kingdom will still be populated by crazy fanatics like Ibushi who are willing to sacrifice it all on his altar of wrestle-love. This is not the end for Tana, nor was this a passing of the torch really, but a vote of confidence that his house will be well cared for when he is dead and gone and all that is left is dudes killing themselves for professional wrestling.

Kazuchika Okada vs Sanada

Sanada finally does it, and it was beautiful. I found myself getting all worked up for Sanada’s cause here and did one of those embarrassing fist pumps when he pulled it off. That is just a testament to the beauty and power of professional wrestling.

Okada had to play a specific role here, and like always, he is able to slide back and forth between the hero and the cocky villain who needs to be overcome. He gets that, and he is willing to play to it and he should be commended for it.

Of course, the pro wrestling between these two was sublime, full of drama and false finishes until finally, Sanada hit that Muta moonsault and pinned Okada for the first time. That is a big deal for Sanada, who will now surely get a title shot after all this is over, and between he and Evil, things are looking good in the world of LIJ. I would like to see both stand with Naito as equals instead of as sidekicks, and I think that would be good for everybody.

Okada doesn’t lose face here because Sanada winning just lifts everyone’s ships, you know? It doesn’t make sense to just shit all over your challengers, and Okada will take his defeat gracefully knowing that he has helped make Sanada. It is how you do the pro wrestling correctly, and it is why the G1 is just so much fucking fun. Everything matters, everything counts, and everything leads to something else. It was a good G1 day, an important G1 day really, and my god I am just in love with the good professional wrestling.

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