Thursday, August 8, 2019

G1 B Block Gibberish Day Eight?

Toru Yano vs Taichi

Another Yano poem, and proof that you can’t out-clown the ultimate clown. Taichi tried Shenanigans to get over on poor sweet Yano only to have Yano employ the same tricks to better effect, to such effect that they left him victorious yet again over a dude who would laugh and spit on him because he doesn’t understand what it means to be a poet clown like Yano. And even better, Yano didn’t have to lower himself like Juice and some others to harass my sweet Miho Abe.

Yano was always gonna be the hardest dude for Taichi to beat simply because Yano is smarter than him, and Taichi can’t fuck with him like he does everyone else and thus must find another way but he is too lazy and so it’s a simple thing for Yano to humiliate him and take his manhood and his friends away from him at the same time. And now Yano is dancing and he keeps on dancing and he says that he will never die and I believe him. I believe him.

Jeff Cobb vs Tetsuya Naito

In the end, it’s probably gonna come down to Naito and Jay White for block supremacy, which should be no real surprise, and the way they’ve gotten it there has been well played, with White being humbled and humiliated by the Chaos dudes he betrayed and Naito laying in the weeds like he always does, ready to take it in the end because he’s better than all the swine like Jeff Cobb.

I shouldn’t be so hard on Cobb and I’m really not because he brings all the fun throws and such, it’s just that this tourney is so High Level and almost all the dudes are so damn good that it’s hard to pull for the token ROH dude, a dude who could probably stand to lose a few so he doesn’t get so easily gassed, and who has the personality of one of the giant tuna caught off the coast of his Guam homeland. I will still respect him for the throws and such and hope he gets better and better because New Japan always needs a hoss like him and it would be even better if that hoss was able to take it up the card a notch.

Naito, of course, is Naito, a rapscallion who is always gonna be there in the end, and who I think is probably the best bet to take the block and then down Ibushi in the finals to set up a champion vs champion match at Wrestle Kingdom which will inevitably end with Naito’s head getting dropped a bunch and also with him finally cashing on his popularity and drawing ability with New Japan. But that is all just idle speculation as we near the end of this beloved tournament, and I will just move on.

Hirooki Goto vs Jon Moxley

Surprised that Goto took this so quickly, but in the end it was always gonna be Moxley vaulting these dudes to new heights so he can ride away to AEW glory come the fall, and so Goto comes out of this looking vastly rehabilitated, a shining example of the power of Big Shibata Energy. He survived a nice head spiking near the end and turned right around and dropped Moxley to emphatically win and hey, what more can you say? My heart is open to the dude and I hope he continues to get the love.

Moxley, meanwhile, remains a Real Dude, showing again that he can wear different skins depending on who he’s facing and what the situation calls for, and this tournament for him was all about showing everyone that he can do all the things the oldsters swore he could do back when he was a rising young lion and not the watered down wild and crazy guy wrestling in fucking jeans in WWE. He can take this and use it as a canvas, a month or so of just good ass wrestling, varied and true, to show everyone that he is a legit dude, a star, and someone who absolutely deserves the chance to run to wear his heart wants to take him and us.

Juice Robinson vs Jay White

I’m gonna say something here that will probably make you go okay Neil, fuck off, but this was maybe my favorite match of the entire tournament so far. From the intimacy of it, which I have talked about before, where you can hear everything everyone is saying and feel the emotions that are driving them, to the deliberate pace, which made every movement each dude make feel vitally important, this was a masterclass to me of what wrestling can and should be, and even better for those who care about such things, it didn’t involve a lot of dangerous or stupid shit or head destruction. It was just two dudes who know each other very well, who have Feelings of a sort for one another, trying to hurt the other and trying to win a goddamn wrestling match in the process, and it was all very Real and very True.

Jay White remains the absolute slimiest dude in wrestling, and I’m gonna say another thing here that some people will get mad about, but I think he’s the best wrestler on the planet right now. Everything he does is perfect. From the vile character work and shitheaded insolence to the cruelty of his throws, their precision, he has the whole thing down cold and you can absolutely see why Gedo is determined to ride this dude to the end.

Also, it’s kind of funny how New Japan supposedly wants to get guys to tone down the swearing, but then you have Gedo of all people audibly screaming fuck every match and, well, good luck trying to get the rest of the boys to behave when the head dude is out there going raw as hell every damn time.

As for Juice, it’s remarkable how far he’s come, and how much he Gets It, whether it’s an old school approach like this or whether it’s him standing and trading fire with a dude like Ishii, everything he does feels important, it feels meaningful, and it’s easy to see how that translates so well to an audience that should by all rights have dismissed him as a fucking goof long ago. But they haven’t. They love him, and that’s all because he makes you want to care about him. He still has a shitty finisher, but fuck it, man, that is a minor thing in the grand scheme of things and one day he will almost surely figure out a better one and then we can all die happy.

But . . . yeah, I loved this match probably more than anyone else will, and I like these two dudes probably more than anyone else does. They are an obvious bridge to western audiences, but more than that, what they do translates so well to the Japanese fans, who care hotly one way or another about both of them, two white dudes who came up in their dojo system and who are now the ultimate face and the ultimate heel in a land where people dumbly say those things don’t matter. They matter, it’s just that they have to connect on a visceral level, whether that comes from the grandiosity of honor wars like Ishii or the old All Japan dudes were a master at, or whether that comes from a more westernized approach to showing Real Emotions. In the end, whether it’s Real Techniques or Real Emotion, it’s all the same thing, and in the best cases, like with Jay White, it is both.

Tomohiro Ishii vs Shingo Takagi

This was, of course, a blast, as everyone knew it would be, too old gnarled goats just trying to ruin each other and steam roll their way into the hearts of everyone, a battle of will and honor, of vicious No Surrender strikes and head drops. Both come out of it looking like Grade 1 Spirit Warriors, and hey, what do you know, that’s the name of the fucking tournament.

Ishii has made himself into a legend with matches like these year after year in the G1 and while he’ll never be The Guy on account of he looks like a broken down potato, he is basically the gatekeeper of greatness in New Japan. He is Heimdall standing on the bridge of Asgard, not letting anyone in who isn’t willing to sacrifice himself or show that he can bring the thunder when it’s called for. He doesn’t take shit from anyone and asks for no quarter in return and everyone sees this and loves him for it. He is an eternal champion of the New Japan Spirit Warrior way and we should commend him for it.

Takagi, of course, remains a great favorite of wrestling fans because he shares a lot of that in common with Ishii, but also because he has tools, speed and power, that separate him from almost every dude he wrestles, allowing him to run in whatever gear a match calls for. It’s probably too late for him to be a Top Top Dude, but it’s a hell of a thing when New Japan can just reach out to a guy like him when they’re in need. You don’t see that anywhere else really, and it’s just one more reason why, for me, New Japan is, and will probably be for quite some time, the best place for the pro wrestling that we all know and love. Except for you Dobbsy, because you like all the crazy seven foot cartoon shit, but that’s okay because you’re still my dude and on some level your tastes are actually high level, understanding that above all, wrestling is a goddamn spectacle and should be loved as such. It is just that, for me, and for most of you reading this, that spectacle is never so pure or so emotional as it is here in the beautiful New Japan Pro Wrestling. Now if they’d only sign Sid . . .

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